Sweden 2005

This blog is for family and friends who may be interested in my upcoming travels in Sweden.

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Location: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Monday, September 19, 2005

Walk on Shores of Lake of Local Township

It was raining this morning (Sunday), but in the afternoon, Sture and Lena took me on a walk from their house down to the lake by the local township. They often go swimming at this lake (remember they swam the year round in Sydney more or less regardless of the temperature.) We had decided before the event that this was not going to be a wild produce run, just a walk so that Lean could test her new camera.

Here is the lock that keeps the stream leading into the lake, above that of the stream behind the lock where it used to power a factory and still does produce some power for the local buildings.
There are some very pleasant places to live in rural Sweden. Yet we are only 15-20 minutes drive to the second largest city in Sweden, Goteborg.
Rowing is a very popular pastime on the lake.
Another picture postcard view from across the lake.
Here is a boat which will need a bit of maintenance before the next sprint. Most years the lake freezes over, and the Nordholms ice skate on it.
We have arrived at the swimming hole. You can see they are ready if someone gets into trouble.
Here's the diving platform, or as Sture tells me, in his case, the jumping platform.
Here is a view down the lake on this overcast day.
Across the lake is a granite hill overgrown with spruce and beech.
Here's Sture checking out things on the jetty.
Here is another view down the lake when it was slightly brighter.
Someone has painted sailboats on the bottom of the granite cliff opposite us.

Well, we didn't collect any blueberries or mushrooms, but Sture and Lena ate a good many blackberries on the way. Sture says that the thing he missed most about Sweden when he lived in Australia were the berries.


Blogger Ben Colin Freasier said...

Hi Barbara,

It seems to rain about everyday, but it has been only overcast in the afternoon. The max temperature has been between 60 and 70 F. The weather is very changeable here.

I am having a great time. I haven't connected to you with Skype because I don't want to interfere too much with you morning activity, and that seems to be when it is most convenient here. I have been Skyping to Oz almost everyday. Anyway, if you see benfreasier online, give me a skype call.


12:14 AM  

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